I attended an IpCert CCENT class, based on the new Curriculum version.
Before attending this course I was really afraid because many people I know, have told me that contents were really challenging for a student without a strong technical background like me. Second reason, because I'm not native Italian speaking so I was afraid due the interaction virtual class level.
My course experience was really cool, useful and why not... fun! The blended distance learning way works like a charm! No travel time but a real class interactive environment, with some real presence lessons to meet instructors and students. I guess it will be the future of training or maybe it's just the present.
Just few words about instructors because I'm definitively glad to them, Jody was fantastic, professional, friendly and with a matchless mind to help students and to focus on their individual weak points.
In the end IpCert scores a 6 on a 5 points scale!
- Dettagli